Saturday, April 4, 2009

Today was a good day. Got up just before 7am to get ready for the 5k at the base. Dani came and picked me up. She was gonna trek it with me. And trek we did. The winds were around 25mph and gusting to 50mph. Sometimes, during the jog, I felt like I was standing still. I was so glad to reach the halfway point and turn around 'cause then the wind was at my back. It was so strong that, during the second half, at times it would die down and I would almost forget to move forward. It was literally pushing me forward. Unfortunately, the last 100 yards were running back into the head wind. It was brutal but I perservered; even kicked in the Nitrox at the end to bring it in under 35 minutes--34:29!!
Then I came home and took a four hour nap.
After that, I cleaned up the house a bit and watched a couple movies. Around 6pm, I was feeling antsy, so I threw on my sneakers and took a power walk around the block--2.5 miles and 45 minutes later, I was in the yard pulling weeds and picking up twiggy branches. The grass has grown like crazy after all the rain we've had these past few days. It's that time of year again. Time to pay the neighbor kid $20 to mow the lawn...every three weeks or so. That being said, I needed to clear out the dangerous stuff--twigs, branches, and bricks that the previous owner (from two years ago) had placed around a tree. The grass has grown over them so they're impossible to see.
Monday, I'm on 12 hour shifts again but they got smarter (or nicer) and I'm in the kubota only every other day instead of every day...for four days. Monday morning is also time for my Phase I to Phase II PT test. Fingers crossed for that one.

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